Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How To Clean Your Cat's Teeth

If your feline friend has breath that could kill a woolly mammo

th, this guide will help clean your little saber tooth’s fangs without much fuss.

You Will Need

  • Tuna water
  • Chicken broth
  • Gauze
  • Cat toothbrush
  • Enzymatic toothpaste

Step 1: Practice without brushing

Practice by dipping your finger in tuna water or chicken broth and touching your cat’s teeth to condition them to enjoy the experience.

Avoid using leashes or collars to restrain your cat and keep each session to around 30 seconds.

Step 2: Use gauze

Wrap your finger in gauze and continue with the tuna water or chicken broth method.

Step 3: Introduce toothbrush and toothpaste

Introduce your cat to the toothbrush and toothpaste by having them lick the paste from the brush.

Use an enzymatic toothpaste and only apply a tiny drop to the brush; never use toothpaste that contains fluoride.

Step 4: Start with canine teeth

Start with either the upper or lower canine teeth and use a gentle up and down motion to remove food particles.

Step 5: Give rewards

Stroke your cat’s muzzle or back as you brush and reward them with a treat after each session.

Step 6: Increase range

Increase the range of brushing with each session until you can do all the teeth top and bottom. Eventually, your cat will look forward to the cleaning and you’ll enjoy the fresh smell!

The Saber Tooth Tiger had front fangs that measured up to 7 inches long, but luckily the species went extinct over 10,000 years ago.


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